Seabrook Church of England Primary School
Seabrook Church of England Primary School

Seabrook Church of England Primary School

Everybody Matters


Please find below our most recent Ofsted reports and relevant information from the Department for Education Performance Tables. 

Please find attached our recent Ofsted report. Our school has been graded in the following areas: 


Quality of Education - Graded as: Good


This aspect looks at the design and coverage of the curriculum; how the curriculum is taught, delivered and assessed; attainment and progress; how pupils retain knowledge and skills; pupils' readiness for the next stages of education.  


Behaviour and Attitudes  - Graded as: Outstanding


This aspect looks at how a school creates a calm and positive learning environment and the impact this has on the behaviour and attitudes of pupils; develops core values such as respect for self and others, resilience and motivation; sets clear routines and expectations for all; creates an environment in which all pupils feel safe.


Personal Development - Graded as: Outstanding


This aspect looks at how a school develops responsible, respectful and active citizens; promotes equality of opportunity and an inclusive environment; develops pupils' character, giving them qualities they need to flourish in society; develops pupils' confidence and resilience and prepares pupils for their next stage in education.


Leadership and Management - Graded as: Good


This aspect looks at how all leaders (including middle leaders and curriculum subject leaders) and governors ensure that the education that school provides has a positive impact on all pupils; has high ambitions for all pupils; has engagement with parents and the wider community.


Early Years Foundation Stage (Reception Class) - Graded as: Outstanding


This aspect looks at the extent to which leaders and staff plan, design and implement the early years curriculum; the progress all children make; their readiness for the next stage of their education; their personal, social and emotional development, including whether they feel safe and are secure, stimulated and happy.


Safeguarding - Graded as: Effective

This aspect looks at how effective procedures are for keeping children safe.


Overall school judgement - Graded as: Good


I am delighted to report that Ofsted has agreed with our judgements that we are a 'good' school with many outstanding elements. During our two day inspection we had several feedback meetings with the Lead Government Inspector where we were able to listen to some of the overwhelmingly positive findings from their visit. There are only two action points highlighted for us to work on and we will of course digest this information in time and put a plan of action together. 


I would like to share some of the key comments made by the lead inspector during our feedback sessions:


Quality of Education

The leader's vision for the school's curriculum is ambitious and progressive

The intent of the school's curriculum is clearly sequenced

The school's curriculum is aspirational for all learners - no ceiling is placed on anyone, especially for children with SEN (special educational needs)

There is a consistent pedagogical approach to maths and early reading

Children are challenged to move on to the next stage of their learning 

Phonics teaching is strong


Behaviour and Attitudes

Leaders set high expectations, this is known by all the pupils

Pupils are keen to please, are positive and respond quickly and enthusiastically

Pupils have a courteous, welcoming warmth

There is a supportive culture where pupils feel known and valued 

Pupils are great ambassadors for the school


Personal Development

Pupils have strong and positive relationships

There are a wide range of leadership responsibilities which the children take very seriously

Children show exceptional maturity, they are given a high position of trust

A huge variety and rich range of experiences and opportunities for all

High ambition, including SEN children

The school's values are embedded and all children know and follow 'The Seabrook Way'

All children expressed that their voices are heard

The Eco Guardians are instrumental in changing the school's environment


Leadership and Management

There is a high quality education for all

The school have a strong curriculum design and the intent is definitely ambitious

Expectations are high as is their commitment

They have staff that like working here and feel supported

Parent/carer/stakeholder engagement is overwhelmingly positive - described as 'a small school with a big heart' 

They are sensitive to the needs of SEN pupils

Have positive relationship with the community

They are an outward facing school


EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) 

The curriculum is detailed

Leaders make informed decisions

Pedagogy is correct

Teaching is inspiring and relevant - magical moments

Pupils are settled, engaged and active in learning

Relationships are strong

Teachers go to great lengths to make learning exciting


These are just a small selection of positive comments made that celebrate our school and all that we stand for! 


Finally, I would like to take this time to thank you all for your kind words, warmth and supportive praise. I truly believe that Seabrook School, its staff, its pupils and its whole community is a very special place and one that I feel extremely proud to be a part of. Thank you all! 

Ofsted School Inspection Reports

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Awards we have achieved so far.

Star Learner

Star Learner

The Star Learner is: Whole School

Star Learner

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