Seabrook Church of England Primary School
Seabrook Church of England Primary School

Seabrook Church of England Primary School

Everybody Matters

Christian Distinctiveness

Vision Statement

Everybody Matters


As a community of learners we understand God loves us equally and unconditionally and wants us to live life in all its fullness. We instil love and respect for all the natural world and everything is encompasses. We value each unique individual’s diversity of gifts and talents and celebrate all their hard work and achievements and champion each learner’s journey to reach their God-given potential.



Values and Ethos


At Seabrook we want to be a school that shines God’s love in all we do.  We want pupils, staff and parents alike to know and feel that they are precious in God’s eyes and valued for who they are.  Jesus shared the parable of the Lost Sheep as a way to illustrate God’s love for us all.  In the same way that the shepherd dropped everything to go and search for his missing sheep (even though he had 99 more) we at Seabrook value each individual because we believe God cares for us all.  And just as the shepherd celebrated the return of his lost sheep, we in turn celebrate the unique gifts, talents and hard work of everyone in our school family and the beauty of our natural world.  Our core values stem from the Christian belief that because God loves us, He wants us to love everybody and trust that He has the brightest future planned for us all.  We celebrate and uphold the values of love, hope, peace, respect, perseverance and forgiveness within our school, our community and beyond. These help us on our day to day journeys to live well together, to love our planet and to strive to be the very best we can be in all we do.

Our School Christian Values

Seabrook Primary School is a church school with six core Christian values embedded within our ethos:


Hope, Peace, Respect, Love, Perseverance and Forgiveness


Each term we concentrate on each of the values:


Term 1 – Respect

Term 2 – Peace

Term 3 – Forgiveness

Term 4 – Hope

Term 5 – Perseverance

Term 6 – Love



The value of “Respect” is represented by the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10, verses 25-37) in which Jesus taught us to love and respect everybody no matter who they are.



The value of “Peace” is represented in the picture by the story of Noah’s Ark (Genesis 6 and 8) in which God promised he would never flood the world again and put a rainbow in the sky as a sign of peace. God wants us to be at peace with each other in return.



The value of “Forgiveness” is represented in the picture by the parable of the Prodigal Son. It shows that because God loves us, He forgives us even when we turn our backs on Him. God wants us to forgive others too.



The value of “Hope” is represented by the resurrection of Jesus. When Jesus rose from the dead he gave us hope. When we do wrong things Jesus forgives us because He died for our sins and paid the price for us.



The value of perseverance is represented by the story of how Jesus healed the paralysed man. The paralysed man had friends who did not give up on him. They kept going even when it seemed impossible. Because they had faith and persevered Jesus healed their friend.



The value of “Love” is represented by the parable of the Lost Sheep in which God demonstrated his love for every single one of us. Nobody is less important than another in God’s eyes.


Throughout the school year each class will focus on one of the values and lead a Collective Worship.



Peace Poem 

Peace is like a calm ocean that sways back and forth

Peace is like a white dove

Peace is like a world of happiness

Peace is like a time of reflection

Peace is like a world of people that agree

Peace is like a Christian heart


Canterbury Diocese

Our school is within the Canterbury Diocese. Please click on the link below for more information about the work and role of the Diocese.


Our school is closely linked to St. Martin’s church which comes under the umbrella of Cheriton Churches. Click on the link below for information about St Martin’s Church including information about the times of services.




The Lord's Prayer

 Our Father, which art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy Name.

Thy Kingdom come.

Thy will be done in earth,

As it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses,

As we forgive them that trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation,

But deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,

The power and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen


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Awards we have achieved so far.

Star Learner

Star Learner

The Star Learner is: Whole School

Star Learner

Whole School

Christian Values

Read about our values.
