Eco Heroes
ECO Pledge
Climate Change Poems
Save the world in ten steps. Join me and I will teach you.
One is fun - it's fun to save the earth
Two is new - we can't have a world that's new
Three is the sea - we have to save the sea
Four is more - we need more animals
Five is alive - we need animals alive
Six is fix - we have to fix the world
Seven is heaven - we can't send animals to heaven
Eight is late - we can't be late
Nine is right - we have to put things right
Ten is then - the world used to be a place with lots of things that needed to be fixed. Now we fixed them. Who!
Thank you for joining me. By Isobelle Year 3
Let's count to ten, starting with one.
One is for done - the world will be done
Two is for the zoo - we should not capture animals
Three is for tree - let's stop cutting trees
Four is more - we need more bees
Five is survive - we need to help animals survive
Six is for fix - we need to fix up
Seven is for heaven - we can't let our planet go to heaven
Eight is for freight - we carry so much freight polluting our planet
Nine is fine - don't say fine
Ten is when WE NEED TO STOP NOW!
Together for our Planet
Learning to care for each other, the environment and all living creatures is something that the children at Seabrook think about a lot.
During the last few weeks we have had several visitors to our school to contribute to the children’s learning about various ECO topics including climate change. Here are some of the children’s please and advice for you:
Please stop making the animals feel sick otherwise they will die. Please stop! Esme
To make a huge change all around the world. To stop people cutting down trees—Arlo
Recycle card into new paper—William
Recycle things we don’t use anymore—plastic, cardboard, cans—Felix
We can save rain water by putting a bucket out to collect it—Hett
A very important conference is just finishing in the UK and the children haven’t stopped talking about it as they feel passionate that their voices are heard so that we can make a difference for the future.
Here is COP26 explained by the children!
COP26 stands for a conference of parties and it is the 26th time they have done it. It is when the leaders of countries make decisions of how we can help stop climate change—Eva
COP26 is where all the prime ministers and people who lead countries come together so they can talk about what they are going to do about climate change—William
COP26 is important because people get together to talk about how to help our planet—Isobelle
COP26 is important because the world is in danger and there will be no planet B—Beatrice
The message of this conference is to remind communities from around the world that our Earth needs us. Also the importance of the conference is so that other countries can hear the various changes countries have made and possibly they might make changes themselves—Mabel
The importance of COP26 is to help our planet and save animals. Animals may go extinct, but if we don’t save the world soon, it will be us going extinct! Ways we can help are by: recycling, stop using as much electricity and get out more, don’t use cars and vehicles as much. You could ride a bike or even use an electric car as it doesn’t include or need fuel/petrol to work. A few world leaders did not attend COP26 such as China, Russia and a few more. Our Queen didn’t go due to her age! - Theo
COP26 is very important! Leaders come together to discuss how they can stop climate change and deforestation all over the world. People who have not contributed to climate change are now paying the highest price. World leaders have said they want to reduce the warming level to 1.5 degrees centigrade—Georgia
Madagascar—first climate induced famine who have not contributed to climate change but are now paying the highest price. To help climate change parents need to stop buying their groceries in packaging but buy separately as it is better for the planet. They need to recycle as much as they can and be environmentally friendly. COP26 is an important conference because if we ignore the world’s problems it will effect not just humans, but animals, who may go extinct—Max
COP26 is extremely important because if there is too much carbon in the air it will warm up the air causing the ice to melt. This obviously then turns into more water in the sea, making it rise. Once it rises, even only slightly, it can cause the whole marsh to go underwater. We need to come together and make at least a contribution to lowering the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. For example, you could walk to school or maybe even cycle. Taking public transport is another way to reduce carbon footprint. If you want to have fun whilst also helping the planet, you should do some gardening, planting flowers that attract bees and butterflies—Katie
As a Church of England school our Christian Value of love for our planet is very much part of our Christian vision and day to day lives.
Eco Heroes Dress Up Day - Take a look at our amazing costumes created using recycled materials!
'Planet Earth' Performed by The Starfish Class