Seabrook Church of England Primary School
Seabrook Church of England Primary School

Seabrook Church of England Primary School

Everybody Matters


ReachMoreParents Walkthrough Video (no Meal Manager)

Uploaded by Weduc Channel on 2023-11-02.

The school communicates with parents/carers in various formats. We have now streamlined this so that we don’t send the same information out multiple times when this is not necessary.



Reach More Parents

Reach More Parents will be used for permission forms, online payments, breakfast club bookings and payments, parent/carer evenings and emails. In App messages will be sent for emergency or last minute updates


Forms – requests for permission for trips and other events


Breakfast Club – booking and paying for sessions


School Dinners - booking and paying meals


Parent/Carer Evenings – online booking of appointments


Payments – facility to make online payments for trips and activities


Newsfeed - keeps you up to date with news and information


Calendar - all the dates important for your child




The website has been updated and includes a wealth of information about the school. For communication purposes it holds the school calendar and newsletters are uploaded to it.


Reach more Parents  will allow us to send notifications to you like a in app messages. This will be our primary way of sending out messages to inform you of last minute changes to activities/events for example or sending out reminders. 



Paper Copies

Sometimes correspondence will be sent out the old fashioned way – a paper copy!

Parents/carers can requests a paper copy of the information on the school’s website, this will be  provided
free of charge.


Contact Details

Please can you keep the school updated with changes to your contact details such as telephone numbers and addresses.



School Updates

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Calendar Dates



Take a look at the stats.

  • Reception


  • Year 1


  • Year 2


  • Year 3


  • Year 4


  • Year 5


  • Year 6


Overall School:


Quick Links

A collection of links.



Awards we have achieved so far.

Star Learner

Star Learner

The Star Learner is: Whole School

Star Learner

Whole School

Christian Values

Read about our values.
