Green Reads for ECO Hero Week 2021
Seabrook’s Eco Guardians are a council, made up of pupils, who investigate how our actions have an affect on the environment around us, and suggest ways we can improve this within the school.
ECO Guardians 2019-2020
To celebrate Harvest the ECO Guardians went apple picking at a local farm in Saltwood called Garden House Orchard. They picked enough apples for all the children to enjoy one each after our Harvest Festival service.
ECO Guardians Apple Picking

Garden House Orchard visit
The ECO Guardians invited Nigel from Garden House Orchard to come and talk to the school about his fruit farm. The children were excited to find out that Nigel has been a fruit farmer for 50 years and that his father before him used to run the farm.
The children had prepared many questions before hand as they were keen to find out what it is like to be a farmer, what jobs he does around the farm each day and what colour his tractor is!
Some of the comments from the children were:
'It's amazing that the farm produces over 150 tonnes of apples each year'
'It was fascinating to find out that the farm has been passed down through the family'
The Tree of Love
Love is at the core of our school's Christian Values. 'Everybody Matters' at Seabrook Church of England Primary School and love underpins all that we do.
'Love is all we need' was a very exciting project for everyone at Seabrook! To celebrate, we made this Tree of Love.
A big thank you to Touchbase Care who helped us to create the tree and to Hythe and Folkestone Rotary Club for their generous donation towards this project.
Here are some of the ECO Guardians comments about the project:
'The Love Tree makes me feel happy because the love it represents is like a light in our currently dark world. We just need to let the love grow.'
'The tree is beautiful and it represents everyone and it's full of love.'
'This Love Tree represents each and every individual in this school. Each branch is unique and also necessary for the whole tree to continue growing. Every intricate branch matters to a tree, like every child that comes to this school.'
Visit from the Mayors of Folkestone and Hythe
Swordfish Class wrote letters to the local council to persuade them to install a water fountain for the general public to use in Folkestone.
Following the successful installation of the water fountain the ECO Guardians invited the Mayors of Folkestone and Hythe into school to say thank you.
The whole school came together to discuss the important issue of climate change with the Mayors and what each and everyone of us can do to help our planet.
Reflections from the ECO Guardians
'The ECO Guardians have done many amazing things like helping the homeless this winter with children donating food. I hope we can do lots more amazing things to help our environment and earth.'
'I think the Tree of Love was our best ECO project ever. I have been an ECO Guardian for 3 years and it has changed my life.'
'The ECO Guardians are a huge part of Seabrook School and are always helping the environment. They helped me understand a lot about the earth.'
'The ECO Guardians have done so much for the school! I joined ECO to help the environment and that is exactly what they've done! They helped ,e do so much. Thank you'
'The ECO Guardians are hugely important to Seabrook school. My wish for the future is for everyone to stop littering on the earth.'
'The ECO Guardians are doing a lot for the school to make the school plastic free.'