Seabrook Church of England Primary School
Seabrook Church of England Primary School

Seabrook Church of England Primary School

Everybody Matters

Collective Worship

Worship is an integral part of  our school life. Worship is presented in a relevant and purposeful way to our children and school community to ensure it supports their daily lives. We endeavour to ensure our children have a variety of approaches which engage and excite them and develops their spiritual growth. Our worships are invitational and inclusive and enable staff and children from other faiths or do not hold a religious belief are able to participate.


Worship embodies our school Christian Vision and ensures that all have the opportunity to flourish. During our daily worship we follow the Canterbury Diocese Collective Worship plans.


Monday - Whole School Celebration Worship

Tuesday - Whole School Worship

Wednesday - Key Stage Worship

Thursday - Whole School Worship

Friday - Class led worship


Our main church link is with  St Martin's Church, Folkestone, but we also make links with other local churches including Harbour Church and South Kent Community Church. They work in partnership with the school and contribute regularly to the heart of the school.

Collective Worship 2024 Term 5


The Order of the Mustard Seed – Living a life following the example of Jesus

Week 1

Resurrection appearances

Week 2

Order of the Mustard Seed –

Taking the Gospel to the nations

Week 3

Express God’s mercy and justice


Week 4

Practise hospitality

Week 5

Live prayerfully


Week 6

Celebrate creativity

Collective Worship Term 4 2024


Week 1

Lent re-visited – take up rather than give up

This is a week offering practical suggestions for taking up positive actions to help to sustain the world around us using ideas from


Week 2

Fairtrade fortnight: look out for the resources for the current year

This is the link for Fairtrade schools’ general resources

This is the link for the 2023 Fairtrade Fortnight


Week 3

Week 4

In these two weeks, we re-visit events in the life of Jesus leading up to the Easter journey.  These weeks explore ideas of Incarnation, Gospel and Salvation (this concept is then picked up in the events of Holy Week and Easter).  As previously – you may want to use your Big Frieze to engage with stories and ideas as you go along. 


Week 5

Week 6

The ideas for Easter are inspired by paintings from the Ethiopian artist Nebiyu Assefa, based on a free pack offering children and their families new and creative ways to engage with the story of Holy Week and Easter.

Find images at:

Thanks to Shahne Vickery and Imaginor

Collective Worship Term 3 2024


Week 1

Epiphany  - what can we offer?

Although there are often Wise Men in the stable on our Christmas cards, the Church traditionally marks the visit of these travellers from the East on Epiphany (6 January).  Their journey, once they saw the star, would probably have taken many months.

Week 2

The four gospels

Week 3

Gospel – Jesus brings good news

Week 4

Gospel - Jesus brings good news

Week 5

Gospel – Jesus brings good news

Week 6

Lent (starts on 14/2/24 during half term)

In 2024, Lent starts on Wednesday 14 February so it seems most logical to look at Lent before it starts as pupils might have their pancakes during half term.

Collective Worship Term 2 2023


Week 1

Committed to helping those in need


Week 2

Committed to Remembering

including Remembrance Sunday


Week 3

Committed to creating a fairer world


Anti Bullying Week

Children in Need

Suggestions from Christian Aid are aimed at KS2 so may need some adaptation if used.  Suggestions from CAFOD are well suited to pupil led worship

Week 4

Committed to praying for a better world

Build your Advent wreath ready for the following week using the themes of each of the candles as a focus for prayer:

Hope, Peace, Love, Joy

Week 5

Advent: The Jesse Tree

Week 6

Advent: The Jesse Tree

Week 7

Christmas through the lens of Angels

Collective Worship Term 1 2023


Week 1



Rebuilding Together

Week 2Learning Together from Jesus the Teacher
Week 3Growing Together in a Growing World - Harvest
Week 4Flourishing Together
Week 5Compassion Together
Week 6Resilience Together
Week 7Kindness Together

Collective Worship Policy

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Calendar Dates

Calendar Dates

  • There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
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Take a look at the stats.

  • Reception


  • Year 1


  • Year 2


  • Year 3


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  • Year 6


Overall School:


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Awards we have achieved so far.

Star Learner

Star Learner

The Star Learner is: Whole School

Star Learner

Whole School

Christian Values

Read about our values.
